Agent Spotlight – Raul Gomez

The unsung heroes of today – truly successful agents.
Sales men & women who genuinely care about their clients.

You wouldn’t think they exist because the stereotype of a salesman is a sleazy guy pressuring you to buy something you don’t want or need; but that is not always the case. In fact, there are many people in the sales industry who genuinely care; we just rarely hear about them because selflessness is often accompanied by humility. Therefore, it is the duty of those who witness these acts of generosity and kindness to speak out. Today, Empower Brokerage would like to do just that – recognize Raul Gomez for his wonderful service and excellent example of what it means to care; to be a true professional and successful agent.

In 2017, Gomez partnered with Empower Brokerage, and in only three years, he has quickly become a top producing successful agent. We believe his success stems from his heart being in the right place. When asked about Gomez’s contribution to the Empower Brokerage team, Product Specialist Enrique Torres, says, “He is an excellent agent, due to his drive to help others by finding plans that work best for them.”

Since becoming an agent five years ago, Gomez has dedicated his life to helping others find the right insurance plans. Initially, Gomez struggled due to the “one-size-fits-all” motto of several insurance agencies, who market the same plan to everyone. Their limited approach meant that his job was to fit the client into the product, which is exactly opposite from what it should have been. He decided to find a way to better help his clients and began researching, learning, and planning his next move.

When Gomez has a goal in mind, he puts his all into accomplishing it. Whether it was going back to school to receive his MBA while teaching full time, his victory with weight loss, or even his ability to become a top-selling producer with NLG, Gomez finishes what he starts. He originally taught music to middle schoolers for eight years, deciding in 2014 to make a change. For the next two years he worked on his MBA, from Our Lady of the Lake University, worked full time and began selling insurance. 2016 was a bittersweet year for Gomez; he completed his MBA but lost his father. Emboldened with confidence and torn by grief, Raul quit teaching and went into the insurance business full time.

The industry frustrated Gomez at first with all its gimmicks, scripts, and limited options for clients, but he knew it was too soon to quit. Moving away from the captive agencies marketing “one-size-fits-all” products, Gomez set out on his own; he was more determined than ever before. As an independent agent, he could diversify and help more people by providing more options. He quickly learned that the insurance industry is teeming with solutions, plans and offerings from hundreds of companies. Broadening his product lineup opened more doors for Gomez, who is now heading up the insurance and financial services arm of Liberty Tax & Freedom Insurance – a company that saw a need among its clients which Raul will now be able to fill.

By taking a leap of faith, he was able to seize the opportunity to change the course of his life. Since then he has seen steady growth in his business and the subsequent payoff. He has become a truly successful agent. For example, in 2018, Empower Brokerage awarded Gomez for being a top producing agent by sending him, and a guest, on an all-expenses paid trip to CancĂșn, Mexico. Additionally, Gomez also received recognition from insurance carrier NLG for being a top producer, which won him another all-expenses paid trip. Being recently married, Raul says he will use the NLG trip as a mini second honeymoon.

Though humble, Gomez was happy to offer some advice during an interview with the Empower Brokerage marketing team. For novice agents and those looking to expand their business, he says, “You have to follow the system, call and ask questions, get better on a day-to-day basis and your business will get better.” As for obstacles, Raul commented that the biggest difficulty about starting your career in the insurance industry is establishing credibility. However, he notes that it is important to align yourself with companies that help you get your foot in the door. Solid advice from a successful agent. We expect to see great things from Raul in the years to come.

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