Aetna Think Agent Webinar

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Date(s) - 03/17/2022
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Aetna Think Agent Webinar

Host: Gilbert Montemayor

Guest Speaker: David Huddleston, Aetna

Join us for this informative webinar in which you will be introduced to Think Agent, the new enrollment app for Aetna Medicare Advantage and SilverScript Prescription Drug Plans (PDP).

Before the webinar, we want to make sure you have already obtained Think Agent access. Click HERE to view the instructions.

For any questions, contact: Gilbert Montemayor (817) 410-5824


*At the time of the meeting, click the button below to join.*

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Meeting number (access code): 2634 799 1148
Meeting password: k89dMsPmk*3