Why You Need Life Insurance

life insurance

Why You Need Life Insurance

Death and dying is a topic no one wants to think about, but we can live our lives much better once we know that we have a plan in place to take care of our loved ones when we are gone, and life insurance does just that.
Here are a few of the reasons you might want to purchase your own life insurance policy.

Keep Loved Ones Protected

You are no longer here when the benefits of most life insurance policies start working. Therefore, life insurance is not for you; it is for those you leave behind. Whether it is your children, spouse, or any other beneficiary, there is no better feeling than ensuring their future is financially stable.

Cost of Death Expenses

Funerals are expensive. The average funeral costs between $7,000 and $12,000. You would not want to see your family struggle with gathering enough money to provide you with a service. A life insurance plan takes away the financial stress from your loved ones while they go through their grieving period.

Debt Repayment

Loans you have cosigned with a spouse, or partner, such as a mortgage, are not going to disappear once you die. The responsibility of payment will fall completely on their shoulders. Also, creditors could leave your beneficiary with a smaller payout once they take what they are still owed. A life insurance policy will allow those debts to be taken care of by your loved ones.

Protect Your Business

Not everyone can own a business, and those who do have worked very hard to make sure it succeeds. That is why you would want to put something in place so that in the event of your death, your business would be able to survive without you. This is especially important if you have a business partner. You should both be insured so there is no extreme financial burden left when either one of you passes.

It Cannot Wait for Later

If there is one thing we can count on, it’s that we cannot count on anything. Life insurance may seem like an unnecessary expenditure when you are healthy. But if you were to suddenly become sick and need it in the future, it may not be available to you. A life insurance policy would stay in effect if your health begins to deteriorate and riders could be added that would provide extra benefits in the event of terminal illness.

Unfortunately, death is not something we can avoid. But it could all be such a less gloomy prospect if we were able to ensure that those we leave behind were going to be well taken care of. Overall, one of the greatest reasons we might need life insurance is to live with greater peace of mind.


We hope this information on why you need life insurance is helpful to you.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you educate your clients on the insurance they need and staying on top of their health. Whether it’s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans. We want you to be successful. Give us a call if you have any questions at 888-539-1633.

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