Ambetter Contracting and Agent Info

ambetter contracting

Agents, if you are planning to get contracted with Ambetter for 2021 there is new information you need to keep in mind.

2021 Ambetter Contracting

You must plan to contract at least 50-100 new clients. The required minimum varies by state. Ambetter will not contract low business agents in 2021. So, if an agent does not get close to these numbers they may terminate or decline the contract for low production. It is also critical to remember that contracting for Ambetter for 2021 closes at the end of October 2020.

Ambetter Is Great For Clients

Ambetter is a great low-cost option for clients. They can switch to Ambetter if a client has had a change in employment, change in marital status, had or adopted a child, relocated to a new zip code, county, or state, released from incarceration, gained citizenship, or aged out of parents’ insurance. They can also switch to Ambetter during a regular open enrollment period (OEP). There are also quite a few benefits to Ambetter that could be incentives for your clients such as telehealth that gives clients 24-hour digital access to doctors and other Mental Health services with no copays. There are also additional coverage options for clients who need it for dental and vision coverage.

Who And Where Is Ambetter?

Ambetter is a health insurance provider that tailors plans to their clients’ unique health needs and budget. As a company, they are very focused on the well being of their clients. They offer different benefits based on clients’ needs that may offer: Comprehensive medical coverage, My Health Pays Rewards Program, Prescription coverage, Integrated care management, and dental and vision coverage. Ambetter is available in 18 states nationwide: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.


We hope that this information on Ambetter’s 2021 contracting and options for their clients was useful to you to better help your clients get the coverage that they need.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you educate your clients on the insurance they need to get the most out of life. Whether it’s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans. We want you to be successful. Give us a call if you have any questions 888-539-1633.

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