6 Habits to Avoid During Sales Presentations, Part 2

The first three habits -apologizing excessively, relying on filler words, and shying away from direct eye contact – demand deliberate attention in presentations, yet with mindful practice, they can be overcome. And because they are so common, those habits tend to get overlooked by prospects. However, three faux pas come across as disrespectful and are less forgivable.

The next three habits revolve around readiness and genuine concern for your clients. Every agent must invest effort in understanding their clients, addressing inquiries, and thoroughly explaining the products they offer. By doing so, you work toward fostering enduring client relationships.

Do not forget who your client is.

Understanding your audience is fundamental to effective communication. As a salesperson, you engage with individuals spanning various age groups, from Millennials (born between 1980-2000) to the Silent Generation/Matures (born between 1927-1945), Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1964), and Generation X (born between 1965-1979). With these multiple generations living in America, it is crucial to adapt.

One thing that you may not realize is considered disrespectful by older generations is the phrase “you guys” when referring to men and women. While the intent is to be gender-neutral and inclusive, some may still find it impolite. Instead, you should consider alternatives like “you all” or simply “you” to avoid offense. It’s always recommended to err on the side of caution.

Additionally, while you’re already working on being courteous, you should also remember to address individuals as “sir” or “ma’am” and express gratitude with “please and “thank you” as is expected by the older generations. Politeness should also extend to your conduct during these meetings. Of course, you should silence your phone and show you pay full attention to the client. In the words of author M.A. Goldsmith, manners entail “the sophisticated skill of paying attention.” Paying attention and molding yourself to the preferences of your clients is crucial to finding success in sales and receiving the goodwill of your clients.

Take a look at the visuals below for some additional helpful tips on how to better communicate across generations.

DON’T get defensive when clients raise questions or objections.

If there’s one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that insurance as a whole is a confusing industry. And it doesn’t help that health insurance often changes year-to-year as new policies and laws are instituted. Luckily, that’s why insurance agents exist. An agent’s job is to understand the industry’s complexities and use their knowledge to provide clarity to their clients. However, this duty to educate and inform is sometimes overlooked during a sales presentation. Every question is worth answering. So, rather than making a client feel stupid, pause and appreciate their intuitiveness and initiative to understand their coverage. For the most part, consumers don’t know what they don’t know. So, they have to ask many questions to get to the root of what they are trying to understand. Therefore, you should encourage those questions and have the patience to answer them and move toward a satisfying answer.

Do not rush through the sale. 

Finally, when an agent’s sole aim is to seal a deal during a meeting, they risk losing sight of the client’s needs. Rather than addressing questions and objections, agents solely fixated on closing the sale may disregard the client’s interests and rush through the presentation to secure the deal. This behavior is not only impolite but also potentially harmful to both your business and your client. Pressuring a sale without fully discussing all policy details could result in the client purchasing unsuitable products for their needs. That dissatisfaction could lead to the end of that business relationship not to mention the negative reviews and word-of-mouth discussions that can happen around the community where your business needs to thrive. Ultimately, the key takeaway is not to rush through the presentation. Have the patience to be comprehensive.


We hope that this information on habits to avoid is useful to you.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about your health and finances. Whether it’s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans, we want you to be successful!

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Updated on 4/11/2024.