5 Tips to Most Effectively Help Medicare Customers

Finding the best Medicare Plan at the best cost for customers can be difficult. The amount of information about Medicare can seem overwhelming to customers especially since it changes each year. This situation can also be frustrating for the agent. The good news is that you both have the same goal: finding the best coverage at the best price. Here are five tips that can help you when interacting with a Medicare customer.

  1. Plan Ahead
    • Don’t wait until the last minute! There’s nothing like rushing through important information that can frustrate you both and make the customer uneasy. Recommend to your clients that they begin the enrollment process earlier than they think they need to, to ensure the best possible outcome. On your end, don’t procrastinate in getting back to clients to help them. Give yourself extra time because typically this time of year can be stressful. Remember that since 2019 there is no longer a disenrollment period. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services changed the name to the Open Enrollment Period, which allows Medicare Advantage enrollees to change their plans between January 1 and March 31 each year.  It is always ideal to help clients find the best plan during the Annual Enrollment Period between October 15 and December 7. Remember you can begin signing up Medicare beneficiaries on October 15, but you may start discussing potential policies with your clients on October 1. So, setting up October appointments in August and September is vital to conducting your business professionally and to secure your clients stay in your book of business. Getting ahead will also open your schedule up in the subsequent weeks so you can acquire more clients.
  2. Break Down the Basics
  3. Be Honest with Your Customer
    • Only sell as much coverage as your client needs. It is always in both of your best interests to only sell them what they need. Some customers will want the “top of the line” coverage when, in actuality, they will be spending much more money than necessary for extra coverage they do not need. Explain to them how and why the plan you recommend is the best for their situation, and how they can save money by getting a plan that fits their specific needs. Evaluate each plan and determine how their specific cirumstance would best be covered. It can be said for every job, but it bares mentioning that if you want to continue working as an insurance agent, you must always practice good ethics in your work. 
  4. Pay Attention to Details
    • While your customer is explaining their situation to you, take detailed notes. As you go through the plans, you may see something vital to getting them the best coverage. Also, take note of the day and time you spoke with your client for future reference. Use whatever medium is best for you to take notes, electronically or on paper. Create a system that makes sense to you to keep your customers’ information organized. While writing or typing these notes, ensure you are actively listening to what the client is saying as well.
  5. Stay in Contact
    • Your relationship with customers does not end once you have enrolled them in a plan. It is critical to check in with your customers from time to time to ensure the coverage they have is still the best option for them. This method also reassures them that you care about their care. Medicare changes from year to year, so when the Annual Election Period rolls around again get in touch with your previous clients to evaluate their plan. They will likely trust you and choose to work with you again if you have kept in contact throughout the year.



We hope that this information on five tips to help customers is useful to you.

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This article was revised on 5/2/2024.