Social Media Ads

Social Media and Ads

Social Media is a powerful tool. One you can use to promote and present yourself and your knowledge about Insurance. It can also be a very good way to generate leads and create a sustainable source of business for your future.


Is Facebook where you need to focus most of my energy? Well that all depends on what type of insurance your selling. If your target demographic is 40 or older, then Facebook is the place to go,


Instagram is a good option for younger audiences. The platform targets younger Female audiences. So Instagram might be a good option for reaching those considered children or even grandchildren.


YouTube is becoming less and less of a social media platform and more of a streaming one. The creators on the platform are more geared to turning out content then speaking or interacting with their audience. That’s for a good reason. There are millions of dollars to be made in ad revenue across all the social media platforms, however YouTube seems to be getting the better end of that. Its all about the algorithm  with YouTube so make sure you pay close attention to when it changes and how it is broken down so you can optimize your content to help get your leads.


Twitter is a good platform for Businesses to quickly, efficiently and affectingly reach larger, younger audiences. The primary age demographic of twitter is 18-29. With that being said witter might not be for Medicare. twitter might be a great resource for Life insurance and Health insurance.

Social Marketing is one of the most important things any business owner can do. Without the use of social marketing businesses lose out on potentially millions of new consumers.


Now that we have covered the target demographics we need to discuss what type of ads do best. Try scrolling through your own feed, do you find yourself sticking more to words, images or videos? Well that all depends on your age range and demographics in general. When considering what type of ad to use put yourself in the consumers shoes. What would they like better. If you are trying to appeal to the masses then I suggest you go with a video or a well made, catchy flyer. The power of video is emotion. Emotion is one of, if not the best tool you have in your toolbox as a marketer. Try advertising a testimonial, or maybe a short 10 second emotional read.

Whatever you do, never post a print ad on social media. It wont get reed, no one will pay attention to it. Ultimately it will be a waste of time and a waste of money.


If you have any questions about social media and how it can help your business there are great resources out there. YouTube is one I personally use on a daily basis. You can also use a service like SkillShare where  they have tutorials on how to create compelling social media videos that engage audiences. Let us know if you have any questions by commenting them down below!