5 Ideas to Market Yourself in the Health Insurance Industry

Marketing yourself as a health insurance agent is crucial, especially if you are nearing the open enrollment period. The time before is a prime opportunity to connect with potential and showcase your expertise. Effective marketing will help you stand out amongst your competitors and build trust and credibility with your clients to ensure they choose you.

However, determining the different ways to put yourself out there can be difficult. If you are in a rut and unsure how to grow your awareness, continue reading for five different ideas that might work for you.

Have a Great Email Signature

Your digital correspondence with potential clients is just as important as any face-to-face interactions you could have. A thoughtful and intentional email signature can be the key to making a good impression.

With the real estate in your email signature, you can fill it with all the insightful information your clients need to consider you as a potential agent. You will include your contact information, such as your phone number, your website, if you have one, and all your active social media websites.

Get More Referrals

Referrals are almost a guarantee of business. About 92% of people trust referrals from family and friends more than other marketing strategies. However, getting more referrals can be tricky if your clients do not want to participate in referring you. The key to creating consistent referrals is to be referable. Always deliver what you promise and become someone that your client can trust. Follow up and express your appreciation with a simple phone or a typed letter.

Start Paying Attention to Online Reviews

Online reviews from your insurance clients are invaluable for your business. They serve as social proof, helping to build trust and credibility with potential clients. People trust people. So, when potential clients read that John and Jane had an amazing experience with you as their health insurance agent, those potential clients will likely believe your current client’s testimony over your advertisement saying the same thing. John and Jane have no stakes in the business. They are speaking from the heart with no ulterior motives.

Pro tip: always ask your past, present, and future clients to leave you a review online.

Volunteer at Causes/Events

Taking time to volunteer for specific causes or participate in certain events is a great way to market yourself as an insurance agent. It shows that you are committed to the community. It will create trust and rapport with potential clients who invest in the well-being of their community.

Also, do not discount the networking opportunities that these events can offer. You could rub shoulders with individuals and organizations who can refer your services to people they work with.

Stay Connected with Your Past Clients

Once you sign up your client, it can seem like you do not have to market to them anymore. That is not true. Staying connected with your past clients is vital marketing. You want to keep your past clients regularly updated on your work and industry changes to keep yourself top-of-mind. They will be the ones to refer you, so you want to verify your reputation is still a good one in their eyes.

Staying consistently relevant in this field can be tough! Make it easy on yourself by constantly checking our website for updates and articles that help you and your business prosper.

If you have any questions, please call us toll-free (888) 539-1633.

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We hope that this information on marketing yourself in the health insurance industry is useful to you.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about your health and finances. Whether it’s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans, we want you to be successful!

Give us a call at 888-539-1633 or leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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This Article was Updated on 7/25/2024.