Advice for New Agents, Part 2

In Advice for New Agents, Part 1, David Russell outlines the first steps an agent needs to take to prepare for the world of life and health insurance: 1) partner with a mentor, 2) focus on strengths, and 3) add a right mix of products to maximize sales opportunities. After these initial steps to prepare first-time agents, now it’s time to promote your business and develop a prospecting strategy so as to build your book of business.

Let Everyone Know You’re in Business

Get out your megaphone and shout from the highest treetops, “I’m In Business!” You’ve developed hundreds of relationships in your life, whether you know it or not. Now you should spread the word.

One simple way to do this is through social media! Most everyone – young and old – has a Facebook nowadays. If you don’t already have one, then you’re missing out on a huge market of clients. Sign up today create a page for your business and add everyone you know to like your page!

In addition, you could send a letter to everyone you know, and some key people you’ve met. The letter will just be an announcement about you, what you believe in, how you’re in business to help the community, and how to reach you for questions. Don’t be picky here. Be sincere and to the point. Something like:

Dear Principal Phillips,

I’m writing to make you aware of how I may be able to help you and your family. I recently became a licensed insurance agent with a focus on health insurance.
What I’ve noticed so far, is that people really need an agent to explain things and find the best options for them.

I’m willing to do that for you and your family if you’ll allow me to.
My fondest wish is to develop some long-term clients in my local community and to give quality help from my experience.

Contact me and let’s talk over coffee.


Joe Agent
Insurance Agent
(432) 543-2121

Plant Seeds for Short-Term, as well as Long-Term, Sales

So, once you’re licensed, educated, have the right beginning contracts, and reach out to those you know, what is the next step? You must plant seeds for sales next week, next month, and for the years to come. There are many ways to do this. here are some of our favorites:

  • Pick a hot product, get a prospect list, and canvas an area each week. This sounds hard, but Empower Brokerage makes it easy. We have a data mining system – Lead Maximizer – where you can target specific demographics in your zipcode. Then, we can show you how to use supplemental, life, and Medigap products to get fast sales. Then, you nurture your clients and offer your assistance in other ways, all year round. Doing this is hands-on, active, and can make you money fast. CONTACT US for more info.
  • Join local groups. The Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Toastmasters, etc. These are all great ways to get involved. I’d say pick one and get very involved. The Chamber of Commerce is one way to get as involved as you want. Then meet people, use every opportunity to offer your help to them, and keep doing it week in and week out.
  • Start your own MeetUp Group. You have a passion, so start a meetup group about your passion. Let’s say it’s Xeriscaping, or refinishing roadside furniture or raising tulips. Use what you love to help you meet other people who love the same things. Then you’ll truly be doing business with like-minded people you enjoy servicing. Don’t simply focus on your insurance business. Business is best done while you’re living your life. Not outside it.


We hope that this information on new agent advice is interesting to you.

Empower Brokerage is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about your health and finances. Whether it’s through webinar training, one-on-one calls, seminars, or marketing plans, we want you to be successful!

Give us a call at 888-539-1633 or leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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