Popular Places to Meet with Prospects

photo of a woman sipping coffee

Popular Places to Meet Prospects

When setting up a meeting with a prospect, you must consider several factors. Think about where they live and what will be most convenient for them. What time is best for them? Are they able to meet outside of their home? Ensure the places you propose to your prospects will be easy for them to get to. Consider they may not be able or willing to leave their home. Ask them what situation would make them the most comfortable. Some of the most popular places to meet are:

Their Home

If the prospect is comfortable and able to have you in their home, this may be the most convenient option for them. Most prospects will likely choose this option due to the minimal effort they will have to put into your meeting. They will also be more at ease since they are in their element. If a prospect has mobility issues, lacks a car, or has limited time to meet with you, this setting might be the best option.

Coffee Shop

A common place to meet is at a coffee shop, and they are a great option, whether a Starbucks or a local spot. They are usually quiet, which is beneficial for conversing. This location is also a superb choice because it implies how the meeting will last- about the length of a cup of coffee. Unlike meeting at home, a coffee shop is a neutral meeting place, which might be appealing to some prospects. Coffee is also fairly inexpensive, which is good if you want to make the gesture of purchasing a cup for your prospect. Coffee shops also usually have wi-fi, which is advantageous if you must show the client Internet-based information.

Community Center

A community center is a great place to meet a prospect, especially if your prospect frequently visits the center. They will feel comfortable in an environment they know. If the prospect participates in an activity at the community center, perhaps meet before or after it to add to the prospect’s convenience. You can also ask them what they do at the community center to build a rapport. This question shows them that you care about all aspects of their life, not just selling them insurance.

Local Restaurant

If your prospect has the time, see if they want to venture to a local restaurant. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but sharing a meal with someone is pleasant, and you will have the opportunity to bond with them more. Having lunch or dinner with a prospect also gives you more time to speak with them, as meals take longer than a cup of coffee might. See what time works best for them, and propose a few restaurants in their area. Remember not to drink any alcohol during your appointment, as this could seem unprofessional.

Public Library

Public libraries often remain overlooked as meeting places, but they can be an agreeable selection. Libraries are quiet, which is excellent for discussing important topics. They also have computers and wi-fi you can use for free. You can also print out materials there if your prospect desires a hard copy of a document. Some public libraries also offer classes or programs on topics like life insurance. Ask your local library if this is something they do. If so, you could meet with prospects at these gatherings.

Find a meeting place that works best for your prospect. There are tons of options in your community- take advantage of them!


We hope that this information on prospects is useful to you.

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This article was updated on 2/16/24.